The Preamble to the soon to be released GOP "Pledge To America" is a farce of the highest magnitude and anybody who's fooled by the cow manure that passes for this Republican manifesto deserves the just desserts of the "old government" that appears likely to take control after the upcoming elections.
Only a nation of buffoons would reward a party (that would be the GOP) who took this nation to war in Iraq on false pretenses, who never asked taxpayers to pay for that war, who year after year fought for deregulation of the financial sector until it was on the verge of total collapse, who then sat back and scoffed at Democrats for cleaning up their mess, and then have the unmitigated gall to blame the sorry state of our union on our President and his political party.
People who want to know who's responsible for our nation's mess should look in the mirror! They're the people who voted for the people (the GOP) who created the current economic crisis. They're the people who voted for the folks who, when the crisis occurred, wanted to sit back and do nothing - like Herbert Hoover, the same game plan that caused the Great Depression of the thirties. They're the ones who hemmed and hawed about liberty and freedom, but when push came to shove, were the loudest screamers demanding the trading of freedoms for public safety. And now, they fill the airwaves and media with rage and anger, demanding the end of deficits, like somehow, the money to pay off those public debts will magically appear out of thin air. Well, it won't.
The "Pledge to America" is the snake oil of a bunch of yellow-bellied cowards who don't have the stomach to take responsibility for the mess they created. Buy it at your own peril.
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