Sarah Palin says that she is giving a 2012 presidential run "prayerful consideration", but if she is seriously looking for a sign from the Almighty on whether she should toss her hat into the ring, I can ease her mind right here and now. God has heard enough "Sarah Palin religious drivel" to fill a hundred worlds and He's not impressed with her commitment to the things that matter most to Him - feeding the poor (i.e. food stamps), housing the homeless (i.e. subsidized housing), comforting the sick (access to health care) and visiting prisoners. Nor is Palin's record on non-violence or seeking protection for the defenseless something worth bragging about before the Almighty. If Palin thinks that she'll receive a "thumps-up" from God to champion her viewpoints in our Nation's highest political arena, she's either disingenuous or incredibly ignorant about what God truly asks of His followers, or perhaps a little of both.
When Sarah Palin touts her commitment to Godly principles in her various speeches, she never explains in any meaningful way what principles she is referencing to, and with good reason. Palin's principles are not God's principles. They're Palin's principles.
Palin's principles do not champion feeding the poor, housing the homeless, comforting the sick or visiting prisoners. Palin's principles do not promote non-violence and protecting the defenseless. Rather, Palin's principles advocate the advancement of individualism and self-reliance. The strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. The rich get richer and the poorer get poorer. Success is not measured by one's commitment to God, but instead by how far one rises on the political and economic ladder. Of course, Palin's principles are cloaked with fancy language associating those principles with Godly principles, but God is not fooled by them, and neither should we.
Well put. Thanks, Steve. Mike Loser