Sunday, October 2, 2011


Yesterday's New York Times on-line edition carried a story by Stephanie Strom about a planned protest being staged in pulpits across the nation this morning by hundreds of right-wing Christian pastors itching for a fight against the Internal Revenue Service. The pastors intend to deliver openly political sermons that endorse certain candidates and denounce others in direct violation of IRS regulations that prohibit churches who want their members to be able to deduct church contributions on their tax returns from engaging in political activity. Once more, those pastors who are participating in the event plan to tape their sermons and forward them to the IRS – a direct "double dog dare" aimed at the government's tax collection arm in hopes of provoking a court fight with the government.

The whole effort shows how low Christian fundamentalism has sunk. Somewhere, even Christ is shaking His head in disbelief.

When the G.O.P. attacks government efforts to feed the poor via the food stamp program, right-wing Christian Pastors remain mute.

When the G.O.P. attacks government efforts to house the poor via section eight housing and federal rent assistance programs, right-wing Christian Pastors remain mute.

When the G.O.P. attacks government efforts to keep the poor warm during winter months via the federal emergency heating assistance program, right-wing Christian Pastors remain mute.

When the G.O.P. attacks government efforts to provide health care to the poor via the Medicaid program, right-wing Christian Pastors remain mute.

BUT…when the government threatens to disallow a tax deduction for mostly G.O.P. contributors to those right-wing Christian Pastors, well, that's what sends those Pastors into a rage, itching for a fight.

It's sad, but it's telling that a group of right-wing Christian Pastors finds it more necessary to battle for tax deductions for the wealthy than benefits for the poor. I thought Christ's message was the other way around.

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