Sunday, February 5, 2012


When leaders stop fighting for peace, war is sure to follow. ~ Anonymous

War is about to break out in the Middle East again, not because it must, but because those who hold the reins of power no longer desire to expend the effort or make a sacrifice to achieve a lasting peace. The fight for peace is winding down, and so are the chances that horrendous pain and human suffering can be averted. I'm referring to the war the leaders of Israel are preparing to launch against the leaders of Iran over Iran's decision to acquire a nuclear bomb to use against the Jewish State. War is coming. The only question is when.

Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei refuses to back down from his pursuit of nuclear weaponry and his desire to flood the earth with Israeli blood. Israel's hawkish prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu refuses to wait idly on the sidelines for Iran to acquire the weaponry it needs to carry out the Ayatollah's maniacal wish. Both leaders see no use for peace. Both leaders have given up fighting for it. War is sure to follow. The only question is when.

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