Saturday, March 3, 2012


The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.” - Samael Aun Weor, 19th century writer, teacher and Gnostic lecturer.

There are millions of suggestions out there for curing whatever ails the Middle East these days, and almost all of them include some change in Israeli behavior and/or Israel's geographic borders. Some of the more heinous suggestions, like those espoused by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, involve the total annihilation of Israel. That's clearly immoral and totally unacceptable, but since some leaders (like Ahmadinejad ) in the Middle East seem hell-bent on waging wars of annihilation, I thought it might be worthwhile for countries like Israel to consider a "Plan B" or two; something practical, albeit a little on the nutty side.

The good people (yeah, there are still a handful) of Arizona are always moaning and groaning about the illegal immigrant and drug-related traffic that is occurring along its border with Mexico. I'm thinking that a good "Plan B" for Israel, and for the people of Arizona, would be to relocate the entire nation of Israel to the southern part of Arizona along the Mexican border. The U.S. government could annex the land to Israel and call it the Israeli Republic of Arizona, just to maintain the local culinary flavors…but without the pork.

Arizona currently contains 113, 998 square miles. Israel occupies under a tenth of that area – approximately 8,500 square miles. If the U.S. government sweetened the deal by tossing in several thousand additional square miles, Israel could expand settlements to its heart's content without violating international law as they currently do. The people of Arizona would benefit as well. Nobody maintains a secure border like Israelis do, which I'm guessing would virtually eliminate Arizona's illegal immigrant / drug trafficking problems.

I'll admit that my idea is a bit whacky, but it's a lot more practical than the theory of nuclear annihilation.

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