Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Thanks to Netflix, I'll be enjoying this evening in front of the television while the rest of America has tuned in for the first Presidential debate. Don't get me wrong. I like politics and I care about the outcome of the upcoming Presidential election. I also like debates and I think the prospect of watching presidential candidates spar with each other is a healthy exercise of our democratic process. On the other hand, my mind is made up at this point. I'm voting for President Obama and nothing that's said or done at the debates will change my mind.

I think Mitt Romney, the G.O.P. standard-bearer, is so out of touch with ordinary Americans that I can't even stomach listening to the droll that's sure to be flowing from his mouth this evening. My time is simply too precious to waste on such nonsense. That's a shame! The reason it's a shame is because democracy is not supposed to function this way. Democracy is supposed to give everyone a voice. In its noblest sense, democracy should strive to afford everyone an equal say in government, but sadly that is not the case with America's version of democracy.

In America's version of democracy, money talks, the wealthy wield the most power and the notion that government is of the people, by the people and for the people is an empty platitude. In America's version of democracy a man like Romney can pledge to ignore the interest of 47% of the population, as if that segment is dirt, and still reap the adulation of millions of adoring followers. It's shameful, but true…and I can't bring myself to watch. Thank God for Netflix!

1 comment:

  1. This is random, but related:
