Bloggers shouldn’t care how many people visit their websites on a daily basis, but the hard-core (myself included) do. That’s why there’s frequently a hit counter somewhere on a blogger’s website, including mine. If you’re reading this entry, chances are you’ve been routed to this website by a search engine that picked up one of the names I’m about to mention as part of my own blogging experiment.
I love Emily Blunt. I think she’s hot. The same goes for Anna Kendrick. Both have wonderful voices and were great in “Into the Woods.” Justin Bieber is an idiotic punk who ought to be deported back to Canada, where he came from. Miley Cyrus has some serious behavioral issues that will probably kill her by the time she’s thirty. I wanted to write “twenty-eight,” but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Katy Perry has serious talent; maybe one day she’ll start to show it. The Kardashians have no talent; maybe one day they’ll take leave of our airways and find real jobs.
I think Pope Francis is a wonderful breath of fresh air in an otherwise stagnant and morally corrupt Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has allowed its views on abortion and homosexuality to obscure the most important message of Christ’s social gospel – compassion for the poor, oppressed and the downtrodden. John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz have no human empathy whatsoever. It’s not right to equate their heartless attitudes with butchers like Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun, or the ISIS guys running wild across the Middle East, but it’s tempting, and it wouldn’t be a big leap. Despite all the criticism, President Obama is doing a good job. Hillary Clinton will be a great President, possibly even a greater one than Bill. When winter temperatures reach 70 degrees at the North Pole, millions of Republicans will still deny the existence of global warming. Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is a racist bigot and a dictator, masking as a pious Jew with an interest in serving the God of Abraham. Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran is a racist bigot and a dictator, masking as a pious Muslim with an interest in serving in serving the God of Abraham. Netanyahu and the Ayatollah call the God of Abraham by different names, but God is not pleased with either of them. I don’t care whether Vladimir Putin of Russia has a girlfriend or not. He’s gay. He just doesn’t want to admit it. And while I’m on the subject of gay folks, discriminating against them is a sin and ought to be a crime punishable by death – and I’m an opponent of the death penalty. There’s also a better argument that Jesus was gay than there is that he was married to Mary Magdalene, Dan Brown novels notwithstanding.
The New York Yankees will be pitiful this year; so will the Florida Marlins. The Green Bay Packers will win next year’s Super Bowl. Bank on it.
Did I mention that the NRA is having its annual convention in Tennessee? All the GOP presidential candidates, minus Chris Christie and Rand Paul will be there. The NRA thinks those two are too liberal. Speaking of guys with guns, I recently read that Vladimir Putin is looking to strengthen diplomatic relations with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un. There’s a match made in hell.
There’s a beautiful spring day outside. Go out and enjoy it!
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