I find it hard to applaud ignorance in action, because that's what axing $1.6 billion in state funding for education amounts to, but while he's on a roll here, perhaps Governor Corbett should consider taking his plan to the next logical step – abolish all education funding and do away with public schools. People who want their kids educated can make their own arrangements. Those who don't won't! No more school boards and teacher unions. No more property taxes and no more silly debates on whether we value the future of our children or not. Governor Corbett's budget makes it clear that we don't, so let's stop this idiotic charade and just admit that we'll be satisfied with a dumb-downed populace, as long as it means we don't have to sacrifice tax dollars to educate our neighbor's children.
In the interest of fair disclosure, I'm a bit jaded on the subject, but I acquired that viewpoint by experience. I earned a Pennsylvania State Teaching Certificate after graduating from Millersville University in 1978 with a degree in secondary education, but after one year in the classroom, I came to realize that no amount of money can adequately compensate a teacher for their efforts. People who think differently have never taught in a public school classroom.
That said, I do appreciate John Q. Public's reluctance to fork over money to educate the little snot-nosed kid down the street who will probably be leading this country one day, because nobody want the likes of him to do a better job than we're currently doing, unless it's messing with his kid's future. That kind of ignorance is priceless!
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