Being the soft-hearted soul that I am, I feel a measure of sympathy for people who are part of the "birther movement" – that group of folks who believe that President Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and who recognize that Obama has perpetrated the greatest fraud in America's history by taking up residence in the White House. It seems that not enough people take the "birthers" seriously, at least not enough people in a position of power to do something about the situation, and it's downright frustrating to watch an injustice of epic proportion go on without those supposedly in charge doing something to correct the situation.
Oh sure, you might think that "birthers" have something to cheer about, now that Donald Trump and Charlie Sheen have jumped on their bandwagon, but even the most diehard "birthers" recognize that Trump's just in it for Trump, and Charlie…well, let's just say he heard the word bandwagon and figured that's where the booze is. All things considered, adding Trump and Sheen to the ranks isn't that much of a coup.
Another hurdle "birthers" face is the left-wing media, and all of us know how powerful and devious that media can be, FOX, Limbaugh and Beck notwithstanding. In fact, the left-wing media has been scheming for years to plant Obama in the White House, going so far as to publish his birth announcement in two Hawaiian newspapers at the same time Kenyan midwives were hoisting Obama's newborn frame to the sun gods in central Africa. Just the thought of such treachery makes me sick, but that's America – land of the free and home of the treacherous left!
And what does the future hold? "Birthers" know. They've seen the signs. It's only a matter of time before somebody in the White House with "photo-shop"© on their computer comes up with a forged document that the C.I.A. claims is an authentic Baptismal record of Obama's American birth. The fact that it hasn't happened already is testament to the ineptitude of Obama's left-wing staff. Sooner or later though, somebody will figure out the computer program and the left-wing media will take over from there. That's how things are done in Washington, and "birthers" know full-well there's not much that can be done about it. It's frustrating all right. Downright maddening, if you ask me. That's why I feel sympathetic to the "birthers'" plight.
The whole thing kind of reminds me how I felt after the 2000 election, when Dubya stole the White House and the Supreme Court gave him the "thumbs-up" and, then I had to sit by on the sidelines for 8 agonizing years as he drug our beloved nation down the economic toilet. It made me sick. And the worst part was having to look at those mean-spirited bumper stickers that said: The 2000 election is history – get over it!
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