Sunday, November 6, 2011


I do not support the effort of Pennsylvania Republicans to rig next year's presidential election, and make no mistake; the proposal in question seeks to do just that. You don't see legislatures in states that Republicans figure to carry next year, like Texas, Florida and the southern tier states proposing to toss partial votes to President Obama. Nope, it's only in swing states where Republicans want to rig the game in their favor. You don't have to be a Democrat or an Independent to recognize what an affront to democracy this G.O.P. proposal actually represents.

If Pennsylvania Republicans were honest in their claim of seeking democracy in its purest sense, they would propose an amendment to the Federal Constitution abolishing the Electoral College in favor of a presidential election by straight national popular vote. We all know that won't happen, because that's not a game Republicans believe they can win. Otherwise, they wouldn't be trying to rig the system.

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