Thursday, November 10, 2011


Pennsylvania is on the verge of granting cities the option to install red light cameras at dangerous intersections. The cameras would record the license plates of vehicles that run a red light and a traffic citation would be sent to the registered owner(s) of that vehicle. No points would be assessed to the vehicle owner(s) driving record because the camera would not identify the actual driver of the vehicle when the violation occurred. Residents in this state are of varied opinions regarding the wisdom of installing red light cameras at dangerous intersections. Here is mine.

I've had the displeasure of having my vehicle struck by a motorist running a red light in the City of York. Luckily, nobody was injured, but I've witnessed plenty of drivers pull similar stunts at various York intersections and recognize that it's a serious problem. If red light cameras reduce accidents and save lives, I'm all for them.

Most folks at some point in their driving careers have been late for work or an appointment and been tempted to step on the gas when the stoplight turned yellow in order to beat the red light. I know I have, and occasionally, I've also been guilty of giving into that temptation. Since the accident I mentioned, I've become more vigilant about stopping on yellow lights, but my track record in that regard hasn't been perfect. If there's a red light camera out there with my name on it, so be it!

Liberty conscious individuals might view the proposed cameras as unwelcomed government intrusion into their lives and their concern is understandable. However, let's not forget that running a red light deprives waiting drivers of their right to use the intersection, so red light cameras can help protect driver's rights too.

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