Wednesday, October 16, 2013


When the Catholic Church abandoned the Christ-given moral imperative of caring for the poor and oppressed in favor of crusading against abortion, contraception and homosexuality, the Church ceded its soul and moral legitimacy to the Devil in exchange for political wealth and power. Bishops and priests denied communion to faithful Catholics with opposing political views, all while cozying up to politicians who sought to deprive the poor of food, shelter and access to health care. It's no wonder Pope Francis has taken his Church to task for its misplaced priorities, nor is it surprising that many conservatives in the Catholic Church are opening criticizing the Pope's call for a change in focus. There's no political power or prestige to be gained from caring for the poor and less fortunate, whereas opposition to abortion, contraception and homosexuality guarantees a steady stream of supporting and adoring fans. When a Roman Centurion asked Jesus how he could gain salvation, Jesus told him to give all his possessions to the poor and then follow him. It was written that the Centurion walked away despondent, because the man prized his possessions. The same can be said about conservatives in today's Catholic Church. They have amassed great power and a large following through their crusade against abortion, contraception and homosexuality, with little capital spent in the process, but Francis' call for a change of focus means jettisoning much of that power and having to expend material wealth as well. It's no wonder Catholic conservatives are despondent. They prize their power and possessions, too.

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