Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Dear Bernie…

I have been observing your presidential campaign with a mixture of curiosity and questioning, and as a lifelong Democrat and unapologetic liberal I haven’t made up my mind who I’ll be voting for when the Pennsylvania primary rolls around. I am, however, fully committed to supporting whichever candidate emerges from our party primary and will do so to the best of my capacity.

It is my belief that there is a substantial constituency that is being ignored in this year’s presidential campaign; one that includes voters across the political spectrum and one which I think you could reach if you were willing to make proposals for their benefit. The constituency I refer to is pet owners.

Every year during tax season, millions of federal filers quip that it would be nice if they could deduct the cost of keeping their family pet. It’s a comment I hear from every dog or cat owner who has me prepare their return. Wouldn’t it be nice if a presidential candidate like you championed a $100 tax credit for anyone who adopted a dog or cat from an approved animal abuse shelter, plus an additional $100 tax credit for individuals and families that own a dog or cat?

I recognize that, at first glance, such a proposal may sound trite in comparison to the plethora of more pressing issues facing our Nation, but I think that a large part of your appeal is the connection you’ve been able to establish with ordinary folks. They believe you understand and appreciate their concerns. The same could be said of pet owners, especially if you were viewed as a candidate who championed the benefit of pet ownership and indicated a desire to advance legislation to help defray the cost of that ownership, albeit with a rather modest tax credit.

Studies have shown that pet ownership lengthens life expectancy, has a positive impact on overall geriatric health and increases the period of time that senior citizens are able to remain living in their own homes. Those benefits represent a substantial financial savings to the public purse, and better still, are widely accepted for producing those benefits. I would contend that a relatively modest pet owner tax credit would be received with the same positive approval as spending money for meals-on-wheels does. All such a proposal needs is the right advocate.

A loyal liberal,


p.s. My son, Noah says hello! He’s a big Bernie fan.

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