“Overcoming indifference and winning peace…involves a real struggle, a spiritual battle that takes place in our hearts, for the enemy of peace is not only war, but also indifference, that makes us think only of ourselves and creates barriers, suspicions, fears and closure. Let us begin to open our hearts to the needs of our neighbor.” ~ Pope Francis, speaking to thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square on January 1, 2016.
Dear Pope Francis…
You are speaking to the choir here, Your Eminence, but I have to warn you that such talk in America is somewhat akin to high treason and sounds suspiciously like calling for wealth redistribution. In this Nation, conservatives have declared such talk sinful and an abomination against God. Now, I realize that in the Catholic faith, you are considered God’s representative here on Earth, but here in America you are going to have to take a backseat to FOX News commentators and our Republican presidential candidates. It’s just the way things are, and don’t even think of trying to outshout Donald Trump. You don’t have a prayer!
Given your background, Your Holiness, I can understand why you’d have an affinity for the poor and the oppressed, as did Christ, and that you’d want to do everything in your power to help them. That’s a laudable objective and I admire you for having it, but I must be frank here. If you continue pushing this “help the poor” agenda that you appear to be fixated on, your polling numbers are going to drop and the Sunday morning collection plate is going to suffer – big time! That’s because Americans hate being told what to do with our money, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s you, God, the government or one of our Democratic presidential candidates doing the telling.
Can I give you a little advice, Your Eminence? Stick to the freebies! No, I’m not talking about coupons or the blue light specials at K-Mart. I’m talking about the kind of issues that don’t cost a dime, like gay-bashing, denouncing abortions and the War on Christmas. Conservatives in America go ape over those issues, because there is no cost to the pocketbook involved. Helping the poor, well, that’s another matter. When you talk about food stamps and housing vouchers and day-care assistance and the mother-of-all do good programs, Obamacare, you’re talking about taxpayer dollars being used to help the poor and that’s worse than just about any mortal sin you could think of. I say “just about,” because some of your Bishops here in America say that voting for Democrats is a mortal sin, too. Personally, I think they’re full of shit, but that’s just my humble opinion.
Do you remember that New Testament passage (Mark 10:17-22) where the guy asked Jesus what he should do to attain eternal life and Jesus responded, “Go, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor?” Well, that’s a misprint! Ted Cruz said so.
An Admirer,
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