Friday, June 10, 2011


Don't abandon ship, Newt! Despite my liberal, left-wing bent, I'm hoping that the mutiny of your campaign crew doesn't take the wind from your sails. After all, you're the only straight shooter among the entire sea of GOP presidential candidates (declared or otherwise) and if you jump ship, the likelihood that the GOP will nominate somebody with an intellect to oppose Obama in 2012 is something close to zilch. A panderer? You bet! A candidate with substantive intelligence and the ability to explain policy with something more than a sound bite? Not in a million years.

Don't get me wrong. I don't subscribe to your political ideology. I don't champion the notion that 350 million Americans can prosper and live harmoniously by each following their own agenda without pulling resources or having a government that advocates for the common good. I don't buy your view that without government, individuals and corporations operate on a level playing field. I grew up poor and I know those pronouncements are a load of crap.

But I will say this – you're honest and up-front with your beliefs. You don't sugar-coat the policies you advocate or pretend those policies are something different than they are. I admire that in a politician. You may not have my vote, but you do have my respect.

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