Wednesday, January 15, 2014


After the mass killings in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado on July of 2012, an NRA (National Rifle Association) official was quoted as saying that the victims in that theater shooting would have been much safer had they been carrying weapons, too. The official suggested that the theater death toll would have been much lower had everybody in the auditorium been armed. I’m not sure how having more crossfire would have lessened the danger or saved lives in a darkened theater, but movies are famous for asking viewers to suspend their belief in reality, so I guess the NRA is entitled to that suspension, too.

I’m bringing up that subject because this past Monday, a retired police officer, Curtis Reeves, Jr. was attending a movie in Wesley Chapel, Florida when a guy seated in front of him was texting on his cell phone as previews for future movies were being shown. Reeves told the man to stop. When that didn’t work, Reeves complained to the theater personnel, who apparently didn’t resolve the problem. After a second encounter with the texting patron, Reeves shot and killed the man, and wounded the man’s wife, too.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: “Hot heads with guns don’t mix!”

Adding more hotheads or guns to the equation won’t work either.

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