Thursday, January 23, 2014


The answers to yesterday's question are Viagra and Cialis! That's right, the performance enhancing drugs you'll find most advertised during every televised sporting event in the United States are Viagra and Cialis. Isn't it ironic that American sports fans jeer the loudest when athletes like Lance Armstrong and Alex Rodriguez use performance enhancing drugs, yet celebrate the use of those same drugs in their own lives? I'll bet less than 5% of U.S. sports fans can identify the drugs that Lance and Alex took, but 99.9% could identify Viagra and Cialis and why they're used.

I recognize there's a difference between people's sex lives and professional sports, but when drugs are used to enhance performance in one sphere it's kind of difficult to vilify their use in another. That's a mixed message that can confuse some athletes, especially given that most are young and feel more driven to achieve success. This is not a justification for athletes using performance enhancing drugs. It's just a recognition that the matter is not as black and white as some like to claim.

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