Hezbollah hates Israel.
Syria hates Israel.
Iran hates Israel.
Al-Qaeda hates Israel.
Sunnis hate Israel.
Shiites hate Israel.
Everybody in the Middle East hates Israel.
Everybody in Israel hates everybody in the Middle East.
Iran loves Hezbollah.
Iran loves Syria.
Syria loves Hezbollah.
Syria loves Iran.
Hezbollah loves Syria.
Hezbollah loves Iran.
Hezbollah, Syria and Iran are Shiites.
Shiites hate Sunnis.
Sunnis hate Shiites.
Syrian rebels are Sunnis.
Al-Qaeda is Sunni.
Sunnis hate Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.
Saddam Hussein was a Sunni.
Iraqis are mostly Shiite.
Shiites love Hezbollah, Syria and Iran.
Saddam Hussein hated the United States.
Iran hated Saddam Hussein.
Iran hates the United States.
Syria hates the United States.
Hezbollah hates the United States.
Al-Qaeda hates the United States.
Syrian rebels now hate the United States.
Syrian Rebels now love Al-Qaeda.
Hezbollah hates Al-Qaeda.
Iran hates Al-Qaeda.
Syria hates Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda hates Iran.
Al-Qaeda hates Syria.
Al-Qaeda hates Hezbollah.
Syrian Rebels hate Iran.
Syrian rebels hate Syria.
Syrian rebels hate Hezbollah.
The United States hates Al-Qaeda.
The United States hates Iran.
The United States hates Syria.
The United States hates Hezbollah.
That’s why there will never be peace in the Middle East?
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