Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Here is the list of the predictions I made regarding yesterday's election:

I predict that on this upcoming Election Day, a majority of American voices will not be heard, and it will be their fault for not taking the time to vote.

I predict that Americans who are poor, sick, uninsured or unemployed at the beginning of Election Day will still be poor, sick, uninsured or unemployed at the end of the day.

I predict that many angry voters will have sore feet, for in the words of a Korean proverb, "If you kick a stone in anger, you'll have a sore foot".

I predict that many winning candidates will falsely proclaim that their election to public office validates the goodness of their ideas and many losing candidates will falsely assume that their ideas lacked merit.

I predict that the overinflated egos of many winning candidates will get even bigger and the self-esteem of many losing candidates will take an undeserved blow.

I predict that many winning candidates will pledge to work in a bipartisan manner when they take office next January, but they'll be lying when they make that pledge because they know a majority of folks who voted for them hate the idea of compromise.

And I predict that at the end of the day, America will still be a divided nation, and our greatest potential will still be unrealized. Unless we as a collective people come to appreciate the value of compromise in the process of self-governance, candidates will come and go, but no election will place us any closer to being a united people.

Wow! Every one of them came true last night. Way to go, Steve!

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