Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm probably one of a handful of blazing left-wingers who's willing to admit this, but I'm glad Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul have tossed their hats into the 2012 presidential candidate ring. Now, if Donald Trump and Sarah Palin would only throw their hats into the ring, the GOP's "whacky-4" would be complete.

Of the four, only Palin should worry folks. Gingrich, Paul and Trump are honest and up-front with their political beliefs, and won't mince words telling folks exactly what they'll do if elected to the White House. I see that as a good thing, because the beliefs of that trio are so far outside the mainstream of moderate conservatism that even the average Republican would be scared to vote for them. They may not like voting for Obama, but a known rational commodity is far better than anything those three men would bring to the table. Trumps diving poll numbers seem to verify that fact. Gingrich and Ron Paul can't be too far behind.

Palin should give folks reason for pause, because she has a surface appeal, call it charisma if you will, and that charisma masks her scary political agenda. Make no mistake about it - Palin is just as radical as Gingrich, Paul and Trump. Her down-home folksy style does a much better job hiding that fact. It's the wolf in sheep's clothing everyone should be concerned with, not the dangers in full sight!

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