Monday, July 18, 2011


There are few words in any language that can adequately describe the horrible nature of Afghan Taliban fighters whose recent execution-style killing of sixteen Pakistani policemen has lit up the Internet across the Middle East. The Taliban fighters in question filmed the killings and the subsequent abuses committed to the corpses, and posted a video of the massacre on the Internet, no doubt meant as a generator of fear to all who would oppose them. Instead, the video exposes the Taliban as the vilest form of evil that anyone could become. Their acts are all the more repugnant since they claim to be acting on behalf of God.

This recent massacre hasn't been the first such evil performed in the name of God, nor will it be the last. It does, however, give me pause to consider how men could commit such atrocities in the name of a deity. What fuels their lust for killing? What drives their thirst for blood? I surmise it is hate…and the more the world encourages hatred, the more atrocities will be committed.

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