Sunday, July 10, 2011


FOX news aficionados here in the United States pay little regard to the power of the network's owner, Rupert Murdoch and the media empire he controls. Murdoch can use his media power to disseminate as much right-wing propaganda as he chooses and FOX news viewers eagerly feast at the trough of misinformation he provides. That's why over 90% of FOX viewers favored the decisions to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and over 60% of non-FOX viewers didn't. But that's old hat!

In England, folks are wising up to the ways of Murdoch and his propaganda machine, and they're getting a good lesson in just how far the media mogul and his machine are willing to go to spread a pack of lies. You see, News of the World, Murdoch's flag-ship newspaper in England, has been, by reported accounts, hacking into the telephone lines of relatives of dead UK soldiers. It's been surmised that the hacking was prompted by efforts of the newspaper to discredit the individuals in question and/or stifle dissent against British participation in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

British citizens have raised a cry of outrage over Murdoch's hacking scandal and efforts are underway in that nation to deny Murdoch's request to take control of Britain's large entertainment broadcaster BSkyB. I'm glad the people of Britain have come to their senses. I wish my fellow citizens here would wise-up too. Murdoch is a dangerous man and our democracy suffers greatly as a result of his propaganda.

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