Monday, April 13, 2015


Deadbeat dads have a new Mecca for avoiding child support payments. It’s called Idaho, the land of guns, plural marriages and the home to more “sovereign freemen” than the rest of the other 49 states put together.

If you think about it, Idaho as a child support haven makes a lot of sense. After all, child support orders are a government-issued order for the dad to pay the mom money for the kids’ upkeep, and nothing gets in an Idaho dad’s crawl more than the government trying to tell him what to do. That’s why the Idaho legislature just refused to pass a law requiring Idaho courts to enforce foreign child support orders, and in doing so, thumbed their noses at the federal government agency that helps states track down deadbeat dads and helps collect child support payments.

Of course, the Idaho legislature doesn’t couch the defeat of the child support bill as an effort to bring more people to their northwest paradise, but that’s what will happen when the word gets out that the potato capital of the United States will not enforce child support orders.

What prompted this uprising, you ask? Well, apparently the good folks in Idaho were worried that the federal government would require Republican judges in their state to enforce Sharia law child support orders from Muslim countries, as if any self-respecting Muslim immigrant would move to Idaho just to avoid paying child support, so the Idaho Legislature decided it was time to act to avoid any further federal entanglement.

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