Wednesday, October 6, 2010


GOP standard bearer, Newt Gingrich has been traveling around the country and advising GOP candidates to declare war on Food Stamps. While that message is sure to energize hard core anti-social program zealots like members of the Tea Party, the fact that a party standard bearer like Gingrich would make killing the food stamp program a central focus of his campaign to elect an all-GOP Congress is quite telling of the lack of empathy and the contempt the Republican party has for the poor in America.

Food stamps are the only lifeline that separates millions of poor Americans, most of which are under 18 or over 65, from hunger and starvation, yet the likes of Gingrich and his cohorts are happily traipsing around the country advocating the starvation of America's most needy citizens. The only thing more disheartening is the applause Gingrich gets from those who pay to hear him spew his disdain for the poor.

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