Friday, January 25, 2013


I'm putting a plug in for micro-lending this afternoon. It's one thing we can do to improve mankind and the plight of the less fortunate among us. is just one of a host of micro-lending organizations that connect individuals willing to lend money with individuals and groups in underdeveloped (and some developed ones) countries who would otherwise have no access to lenders willing to finance efforts to improve their lives. To participate as a KIVA lender, a person must be willing to lend $25 or more. Lenders chose from among hundreds of borrowers seeking loans and donate $3.75 per loan to KIVA to cover KIVA's operating costs. For more information on KIVA's micro-lending program, visit

To join my lending group, visit

Actually, my "lending group" is a misnomer, since I'm the only member, but I remain hopeful.

There is one factoid that I'd like to pass along. The highest lending team, lending $9,833,150 dollars to date is the "Atheists, Agnostic & Skeptics" team. "KIVA Christians" rank second with a total lifetime lending amount of $6,184,550. Let's go Christians. Getting beat by the atheists in the charity department is embarrassing!

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