Friday, January 25, 2013


North Koreans have an affinity for using flowery language to describe their most fearless and wisest leader…that would currently be Kim Jong Un, or so they claim, but I'm of the opinion that what North Koreans sorely need the most, other than food, clothing, heating oil, medicine and habitable shelters, are proper up-to-date Korean thesauruses. It's got to be maddening to constantly have to search for new and different ways to heap verbal accolades upon their new young leader, especially on an empty stomach when the temperature outside is ten below and nobody within ten miles owns a proper coat. That's exactly where a thesaurus would come in handy.

I realize that Kim Jong Un would rather pump what little money North Korea has into building nuclear bombs and missiles capable of hitting the United States, but who would be around to sing his praises if the North sent two or three nuclear missiles our way and we respond in kind with two or three hundred of our own? Probably not too many, which is why I'm kind of focused on this whole thesaurus idea. If North Koreans had a proper thesaurus, they could keep Kim Jong Un basking in the afterglow of continuous verbal adoration, and maybe then he wouldn't feel the need to start a war with nuclear fireworks.

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