Monday, February 10, 2014


There are news reports coming out of Russia that Dutch speed skater, Ireen Wust has become the first openly gay athlete to win a gold medal at the Sochi Winter Olympic Games. She supposedly won the 3000 meter women’s speed-skating competition, but let’s face it, according to Sochi mayor Anatoly Pakhomov, there are no gays in Sochi, so it’s highly dubious that a Wust victory actually took place!

What is more likely is that NBC and other world-wide media outlets “photo-shopped” Wust’s face onto a video of an Olympic speed-skating competition and then, I guess at the behest of some secret, all powerful global gay society, declared her the gold medal winner of the 3,000 meter event.

There’s more proof of this conspiracy, too. A couple of media outlets showed an obviously doctored video clip of Wust shaking the hands of a youngster in a crowd of well-wishers, and she wasn’t immediately arrested by Russian police. That couldn’t have happened, because Russian President Putin decreed that no gay person could touch a child, and anybody who dares to challenge Putin in Russia immediately get’s arrested. Wust still isn’t in shackles, so you know that handshake couldn’t have happened the way the media portrayed it. I rest my case.

Next up…Rand Paul is a closet cross-dresser.

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