Sunday, January 1, 2012


I hope those who hunger will find food and those who are sick will find medical care they need. I hope the homeless will find shelter, the lonely will find friendship and those who are torn with grief will find solace in the hearts. I hope greed and selfishness give way to kindness and compassion for others. I hope arrogance is replaced with humility and loathing with respect. I hope compromise regains its good name and politicians come to recognize that the common good entails consideration of opposing viewpoints. I hope the spirit of this past Christmas lasts more than twelve days.

I hope my wife continues to smile and my children continue being the joy that they are. I hope my friends prosper and my colleagues find satisfaction in their working endeavors. I hope my heart holds out this year, and all I do and say will do credit to the effort it makes to keep me going. If hope springs eternal, I hope 2012 is just the beginning.

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