Tuesday, February 21, 2012


When Reverend (and I use that term loosely) Franklin Graham, the son of renowned Evangelist, Billy Graham went on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show today and espoused his doubt that President Obama was a Christian and hinted that Obama was Muslim instead, I've little doubt that Graham was intending to inflame the right-wing religious (and I use that term loosely too) zealots in America who are determined to continue their campaign of denigrating our President by essentially calling him the anti-Christ.

It really doesn't matter what the zealots think, because God knows the true nature of Obama's soul and His is the only opinion that counts, but I find it rather irritating that so much time is wasted by America's right-wing religious zealots judging one man's personal faith instead of concentrating on their own souls. There were reasons why Jesus sternly warned his Disciples against judging the souls of others. First of all, it's a Divine task. Next, men are too blinded by their own faults to accurately sit in judgment of others. Finally, mankind lacks the necessary humility to pass the kind of judgment Franklin Graham and his ilk like to make. Only the perfectly humble can do that job. That's why it's a task solely reserved for God.

Graham might find comfort in calling himself and his right-wing zealots, 'Christians', and labeling others as evil non-believers, but there will come a day when the Christian label doesn't mean squat in the eyes of the Divine, and only that which resides in the souls of individual men matters. Jesus warned the religious zealots of His day about what awaited them. I hope Graham and his followers were listening!

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