Friday, February 17, 2012


Moderator: “The next question is for Mr. Paul. Mr. Paul, are Americans safer now that Osama bin Laden has been killed and does the Obama Administration deserve any credit for bringing bin Laden to justice?”

Ron Paul: Osama bin Laden was just one man. Am I glad he's dead? Of course I am! He killed a lot of Americans and he paid the price. That was good, but what I'm concerned about is this notion that America should fight wars on the other side of the world and not take care of the war going on here at home. We should put our own house in order first.

Santorum: “You could kill Osama bin Laden a hundred times over, and as long as you have people right here in America, killing innocent babies in their mother's wombs, nobody is safe. I'm with Ron; I'm glad bin Laden is dead, but if you think for a second that America is any less safe, well…you've never seen the butchery that goes on at an abortion clinic. If you're looking for a place to bomb, there are plenty right here at home.

Moderator: “Jesus?”

Jesus: “Have you ever heard of an evil child being born? Of course not! That’s because all children are innocent and precious. However, there is evil in the world and over time some children grow and lose their innocence to the Prince of Darkness. It has been this way since the day the world was created and it will remain so till the end of time. Until the Kingdom of God is fulfilled nobody is ever safe from evil.”

Moderator: “Mr. Romney?”

Romney: “There’s no denying we’re safer from the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. That doesn't mean that we can sit back and rest on our laurels like Obama has. When I'm elected President, I'll bomb Iran back to the Stone Age, if that's what it takes to get them to give up their nuclear ambitions.”

Gingrich: "While Mitt was making money hands over fists in the Grand Cayman Islands, and Santorum was trying to figure out which abortion clinic to firebomb next, I was busy writing several books warning Americans of the dangers of appeasement in the Middle East. The books are still available at, or if you care to donate a million to my campaign, I'll send you an autographed copy. My point is that in several of my books I warned America about the towel-heads, and nobody listened. I'm glad our Navy Seals got that bastard bin Laden, but don't start giving Obama the credit. He just made a phone call. Any sixth grade flunky can do that!"

Moderator: "Mr. Paul, any rebuttal?

Ron Paul: I don't know much about flunkies. I just know we should bring our boys home."

Santorum: I'm telling you. America is on the road to ruin. Do you know how many babies die from IEDs every year? Unless we take back America today, millions more will die tomorrow.

Jesus: “Weeds spread and take root faster than flowers. Pull one weed and two more will spring up in its place. Unless a gardener sows the seed of harmony and nurtures it daily, weeds will multiply faster than they can be pulled and no garden is safe.”

Romney: "It's impossible to think we're safer today with millions of Mexicans pouring over our border on a daily basis."

Gingrich: These guys just don't have a clue. I balanced the budget in the 1990's when the godless liberals were pouring into Washington. If you want somebody who is going to protect the American way of life, I'm that man!"

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